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dartmouth college artinya

contoh kalimat "dartmouth college"
  • Young went to Dartmouth College and graduated in 1930.
    Ia kuliah di Dartmouth College dan lulus pada tahun 1930.
  • Tuition fees in Dartmouth College are $50,000 (Aprox.).
    Biaya kuliah di Dartmouth College adalah $50,000 (Aprox.).
  • Dartmouth College - Study in USA. Education Abroad Magazine
    Dartmouth College - Studi di AS. Pendidikan Majalah Luar Negeri
  • He graduated from Dartmouth College and from Stanford Law School in 1959.
    Ia lulus dari Dartmouth College dan dari Stanford Law School pada 1959.
  • Dartmouth College is a private institution that was founded in 1769.
    Dartmouth College adalah lembaga swasta yang didirikan pada 1769.
  • Do you want discuss Dartmouth College ? Any question, comments or reviews
    Apa kau mau mendiskusikan Dartmouth College ? Ada pertanyaan, komentar atau ulasan
  • He studied to be a Presbyterian minister at Dartmouth College, whence he graduated in 1787.
    Ia belajar menjadi pendeta Presbyterian di Dartmouth College dan lulus tahun 1787.
  • The Old Testament includes a new translation of the Psalms by Donald Sheehan of Dartmouth College.
    Perjanjian Lama memasukkan terjemahan baru Kitab Mazmur oleh Donald Sheehan dari Dartmouth College.
  • He graduated from Dartmouth College and received a Master of Fine Arts from Smith College.
    Ia lulus dari Dartmouth College dan meraih gelar Master of Fine Arts dari Smith College. ^ Times
  • Born in Bombay, D'Souza moved to the United States as an exchange student and graduated from Dartmouth College.
    Lahir di Bombay, D'Souza pindah ke Amerika Serikat sebagai murid pertukaran dan lulus dari Dartmouth College.
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